Intelligent Control

"Teknik Mekatronika EEPIS 2016"

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015

Basic Intelligent Control

Characteristic Intelligent control :
1. hierarchical
2. coordination
3. have low and high control

we can defining intelligent as:
1. environmental adaptation
2. learning
3. planning under large certainty
4. coping with large mount data (generalization)

Where intelligent can be applied? educators, psychologists, computer scientists, enginners

Related Fields 
Biological system
Robotics and automations
Trafic Control
Load balancing of electrnics power plants

Related Working Area
 1. Neural Network
2. Fuzzy Control
3. Genetic Control
4. Expert System
5. Hybrid System
6. Planning System

Defining intelligent control

morning guys, now i will publish how defining intelligent control. first we must know the definition of intelligent, 'intelligent' can defined as: having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend. than control can defined as: to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command. from the definition of intelligent and control we can conclude the definition of intelligent control. for the reference, you can read the book of mr. Antsaklis here.

P.J. Antsaklis, "Defining Intelligent Control," Report of the Task Force on Intelligent Control,
 P.J. Antsaklis, Chair. In IEEE Control Systems Magazine, pp. 4-5 & 58-66, June 1994. Also in Proceedings of the
1994 International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp (i)-(xvii), Columbus, OH, August 16-18, 1994

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Differences in conventional and intelligent control according Panos Antsaklis in “ Defining Intelligent Control”

The term “conventional for traditional control” is used here to refer to the theories and methods that were developed in the past decades to control dynamical system, the behavior of which is primarily described by differential and difference equations. However intelligent control does not restrict itself only to those methodologies.
Another difference between intelligent and conventional control is in the separation between controller and the system to be controlled. In conventional control the system to be controlled, called the plant, typically is separate and distinct from the controller. The controller is designed by the control designer, while the plant is in general given and cannot be changed. In intelligent control problem there may not be a clear separation of the plant and the controller.
Representation and Manipulation of symbols
Telling about a problem
Ruled to solve the problem
Given the knowledge and skills of inference
Provide data and programs

2. Close Loop
A closed-loop transfer function in control theory is a mathematical expression (algorithm) describing the net result of the effects of a closed (feedback) loop on the input signal to the circuits enclosed by the loop.
The closed-loop transfer function is measured at the output. The output signal waveform can be calculated from the closed-loop transfer function and the input signal waveform.
An example of a closed-loop transfer function is shown below:
The summing node and the G(s) and H(s) blocks can all be combined into one block, which would have the following transfer function: